I am excited to let you know that we've been transitioning to a new membership management system for C320IA built around the popular Wild Apricot membership management system. If you'd like to join the Catalina 320 International Association, head on over to the new subscription system and sign up:

Join US (https://Catalina320.wildapricot.org/join-us)

Wild Apricot supports its own online payment system (run by AffiniPay) which is directly connected to our membership database meaning that if you pay this way, your membership record is updated automatically - that is, I don't have to do anything. I am hoping that a lot, if not most, of our members will choose this option as it will lessen my workload managing renewals. Another great new feature, available by default when you choose Wild Apricot Payments, is that your membership auto-renews each year. Your credit card on file will be charged each year on your renewal date without either of us having to do anything. I expect that many of our members - particularly our long-time members - will choose auto-renew. The credit card info is held within the AffiniPay system and is not accessible to me or anyone else in the Association. Affinipay (https://affinipayassociations.com/) is used by over 5000 clubs and associations just like ours.

I invite you to try this new online payment system to pay your membership dues. If you choose not to, we still accept renewal by check and renewal (at least for a while) by PayPal payments to c320payments@gmail.com.

The address for check renewals remains:
Catalina 320 International Association
2919 Ward Ct
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Bill Culbertson
C320IA Secretary/Treasurer
Harmony #859

Last Updated Monday, March 14 2022 @ 04:39 PM EDT  5,130 Hits