News Flash!!
Official C320IA burgees make a great gift!

These are 12" x 18" Pennant style with our logo correctly reading on both sides. The blue and teal colors replicate the accent stripes found on the early boats.
This burgee has been available directly from Prestige Flags for many years but few members have taken the opportunity to purchase one. We hope that by stocking them in our “Ship's Store", more members will be encouraged to purchase and fly them!
Catalina 320 International Association members in good standing may order directly from the association for $28 (includes shipping costs).
If interested, send your check (US funds only), made out to "Catalina 320 International Association" to:
Catalina 320 International Association
2919 Ward Court
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-1747
If you desire to pay via PayPal, send to and mention burgee in the Add a Note area:
Price is also just $28.00
For questions contact the Secretary/Treasurer on this page